Welcome to prayer focus
Prayer Focus is a monthly series to help new and existing Christians grow in their faith through prayer
Recording by: Susan Ealey
This month the pattern for prayer we will be using is GIFT
Give thanks and praise to God
Implore (ask) for forgiveness for your wrongdoings or ask Him to help others.
Find peace as you listen to His responses
Tell Him how you are feeling …draw close.
Speak out loud …be bold and ask.
Week 1 | 6th December
Hebrews 1: 1-12 | The Socks
Thank God for the normality in your life right now…the things that haven’t changed…the people who are still there and the reassurance of God’s constant presence.
Week 2 | 13th December
Malachi 3: 3 | Gold and silver jewellery
Such metals have to be purified and God does this with us …watch the video below to understand this process and why it essential we let God work in our lives.
Week 3 | 20th December
Psalm 23 | A refreshing weekend away
Take time out with God to refresh your soul this week…walk and talk to him, look for him in nature, find him in the little kind acts and just sit awhile and ponder .
Week 4 | 27th December
Mark 10: 46-52 | The unexpected gift
A blind man was healed unexpectedly: he shouted for Jesus but couldn’t see him: Jesus asks what he wants and he asks to see…immediately he is healed and he follows Jesus. He doesn’t say ‘ do you know what it’s a bit bright I’d rather not bother to make me blind again. He accepts and follows
As we come up to Christmas spend your prayer time reflecting on the greatest gift.
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